He is the well-experienced Chief Product Officer an easy-going colleague who loves a good joke – but who also will stay up all night and tirelessly work to solve a problem.

Michal Kotzé is responsible för the products of Incipientus; the look and the feel, technical aspects of the products, and how they all work together. From details to complete systems. He grew up in South Africa but has worked around the world since his graduations as an electronic engineer. Just before he came to live in Sweden to develop Incipientus together with his brother Reinhardt Kotze and Johan Wiklund, he was about to move to Belgium. He had been offered a job there, but the choice was easy when Reinhard and Johan called.
– I was already moving, so I just took my backpack and my guitar and came here instead, Michal recalls.
Already at a young age, Michal had an affinity for problem-solving. It became his way into the field of science. He preferred mathematics over other subjects in school since he felt he didn’t have to memorize information. When the numbers or equations were presented to him, he just needed to solve the task. One thing led to another, and he studied to be an electronic engineer – just as three of his brothers also came to do.

”He grew up in South Africa but has worked around the world since his graduations as an electronic engineer.”

Michal is a team player, always generous with sharing information and contacts and making sure to help people connect with the right contacs. He is easy to work with, has a good sense of humor, and like to be involved in many projects
– I am not too authoritative, but I like structure. I have implemented ways of working at our company because I believe a team should follow a structure and protocols to make work efficient.

Since moving to Sweden, and getting used to the shifting seasons and the need for way more clothes than in warmer climates, Michal has devoted his time wholeheartedly to Incipentus.

The short-term goal for Michal is to require even more competence and grow a successful team at Incipientus. To develop a company and products that follow all rules and regulations.

– It is exciting working with a startup. When you start, it feels like you are going to change the world. Then reality hits, and it is a lot of hard work. Late nights and many hours. But we are all working for the long-term goal; a successful company. It is challenging, exciting, and stressful – all at the same time.

”When you start, it feels like you are going to change the world. Then reality hits, and it is a lot of hard work.”

He continues:

– I really enjoy what I do, and that’s key to me. Not everybody has that luxury, of course. But if you have the possibility to work with something you enjoy, it will make you a happier person every day, says Michal.

There are a few things that will make a typical day at the office good and make Michal enjoy work even more:

1. Successful trials, testing a product in the lab or at a customer’s.
2. An airy meeting schedule that leaves time for Michal to focus on his team and experiment with new ideas and technology.
3. Starting the day with going to the gym at the office.

There are a few things that will make a typical day at the office good and make Michal enjoy work even more:

1. Successful trials, testing a product in the lab or at a customer’s.
2. An airy meeting schedule that leaves time for Michal to focus on his team and experiment with new ideas and technology.
3. Starting the day with going to the gym at the office.

And, of course, the tea routine is a given on any workday. Michal makes two cups of green tea. While the boiling hot water cools down to a preferred lukewarm temperature, he’ll have a cup of coffee.
– Yeah, that’s a must. I probably drink too much tea, but what can I say? I just love it.